2024.3.6 Wed. 2023年度第3回研究会(通算第11回目)The 11th meeting of the ILCAA Joint Research Project: Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa グローバル時代のアフリカの「若者」のキャリア志向と「現実」との交渉:東部アフリカを中心に
April 4, 2024 EventsILCAA Joint Research Project Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa
AA研共同利用・共同研究課題 グローバル時代のアフリカの「若者」のキャリア志向と「現実」との交渉:東部アフリカを中心に The 11th meeting_ 2023年度第3回研究会(通算第11回目) Date/Time: Wed 6 Mar 2024 10:00–18:00 Venue: 302, online meeting Language: English Organized by ILCAA 10:00– Meeting for publication of Japanese results 13:00– Presentation1: Karusigarira Ian (GRIPS/ Joint researcher) “University Students’ Activism in Uganda: Culture, the State, and Prospects” Presentation2: Soichiro Shiraishi (Hirosaki University/ Joint researcher) “Route to Makerere Hill: University Access from a Rural Area in Contemporary Uganda” →Cancelled [Abstract] Shifting Dimensions of Hybrid Authoritarianism in Uganda By Ian Karusigarira (GRIPS/ Joint researcher) There is a growing interest in the shifting dimensions of authoritarian rule most od Africa. For the purposes of this proposal, two major aspects are to be elucidated: …
2023.12.1 Online event Japan-Kenya pupils’ linkage Waldorf Woodlands School★ Musashino gakuen Elementary School
December 1, 2023 Events
Online event Japan-Kenya pupils’ linkage Waldorf Woodlands School★ ★ Musashinogakuen Elementary School TUFSフィールドサイエンスコモンズ(TUFiSCo) イベント 日本とケニアを子どもたちをつなぐ 東京・府中市のむさしの学園とワルドルフ・ウッドランズスクールの児童たちが、互いの学校の様子を紹介し、自らの家の夕食、家族写真をとおして、互いの文化を知る第一歩を体験します。 ケニア・ナイロビにあるWaldorf Woodlands School 対象児童:4、5年生:7人 開催日 2023年12月1日(金) 14:45~15:30 場所: 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 コモンズラボ(405)<非公開> Day and Time: 1st December 2023, 14:45~15:30 Venue: Commons Labo (405), ILCAA, TUFS and ZOOM
21st Nov 2023 Commons Café /the 85th ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS
October 30, 2023 Events
21st Nov 2023 Commons Café /the 85th ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS Title: ‘Doing research in transboundary conflict contexts: Reflections from the field in Uganda’ The presenter: Dr. Constance Mudondo (Makerere University) Abstract: Although research in conflict-context has been presented to be critical in peace making process, the field experiences of researchers are seldom highlighted. This article illustrates experiences of doing research in transboundary conflict contexts. Using the conflict in Namatala transboundary wetland in Eastern Uganda, the article draws on the reflections from the field and highlights the researchers’ practical experiences of doing research in transboundary conflict contexts. The study which adopted a mixed approach employed a number of methods to …
2023.11.18-19 International Symposium Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency_2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目)
October 18, 2023 EventsILCAA Joint Research Project Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern AfricaOfficial notice
International Symposium Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency Date: Saturday 18th– Sunday 19th November 2023 The 10th meeting of the ILCAA Joint Research Project: Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa 2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目) グローバル時代のアフリカの「若者」のキャリア志向と「現実」との交渉:東部アフリカを中心に Venue: Medium Conference Room at the Administration Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (本部管理棟2階 中会議室 honbukanritō (jimutō)) Campus map: (④in the map) 【Theme】 This symposium focuses on youth ethnographically and seeks to examine, with an intersectional lens, how young people, in Eastern Africa and South Asia, understand their social world through their multiple identities -gender, caste, region, language, and nation – as well as their individual …
17th Oct 2023 Commons Café /the 81st ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS
September 20, 2023 Events
Title: ‘Care and Reunification in a Cape Verdean Family: Changing Articulations of Family and Legal Ties’ The presenter: Prof. Heike Drotbohm (The head of the Anthropology department at Mainz University of Mainz, Germany) Abstract: This presentation looks at the interaction between transnational family relationships, on the one hand, and family-related immigration policies, on the other. Taking the conflicting concerns that arose between administrative decision-makers and family members during an attempt to reunite a Cape Verdean family spread across several countries as an example, the questions of what ‘family’ means, what relationships are included and the nature of the relationships involved answered differently by different actors will be shown. …
18th IUAES World Congress held between 16th -20th July 2018
August 15, 2018
The Open panel we convened in IUAES Academic congress (Open Panel no. OP 61) addressed a diversity and heuristics concerning the cross-cultural analysis of diversification and re-organization of family in Uganda, Kenya and Namibia. Topical discussions ranged from the studies of gerontology (tackling the cultural and well as as development issues concerning aging) to the issues of refugee and citizenship, sexuality (Female Genital Modification) and adoption. The open panels attracted reactions are open discussion on these thematic topics. Indeed, these areas of research are very relevant to the academia in this period of rapid transformation globally, nationally as well as at societal and family level.
2018 Our Publication: Diversification and Reorganization of ‘Family’ in Uganda and Kenya: A Cross-cultural Analysis Edited by Wakana SHIINO, Soichiro SHIRAISHI & Christine M. MPYANGU
April 20, 2018 GalleryOur WorksPublications
This book contains the output of the JSPS bilateral research project that was undertaken in 2016 and 2017 with the collaboration of Japanese and Ugandan researchers. The title for the overall project was ‘The Diversification and Reorganization of “Family” in Uganda: Cross-cultural Analysis of Economic Discrepancies and Potential in Indigenous Institutions for Social Security’. Diversification and Reorganization of ‘Family’ in Uganda and Kenya: A Cross-cultural Analysis Edited by Wakana SHIINO, Soichiro SHIRAISHI & Christine M. MPYANGU by Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Tokyo University of Foreign Studies ISBN : 978-4-86337-280-1 CONTENTS † Preface Wakana SHIINO Introduction: Transformation of the ‘family’ in Uganda and Kenya Wakana SHIINO and …
2016 Our Publication: Re-Finding African Local Assets and City Environments: Governance, Research and Reflexivity.
April 4, 2016 GalleryOur WorksPublications
SHIINO, Wakana, Soichiro Shiraishi and Tom Ondicho eds., Re-Finding African Local Assets and City Environments: Governance, Research and Reflexivity. Tokyo: The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2016 March. This volume is the result of two workshops held in Nairobi in 2011 and 2013 in a collaboration between Japanese and African researchers. The workshops were entitled “Approaches and methodologies of field research in Africa” (September 2011), and “Mobility, hybridity and the way to co-existence: re-structuring daily life in rural and urban African societies” (February 2013). In these workshops researchers attempted to “re-discover” Africa, through new approaches and angles, in line with …