East African-Japanese Researcher's Network    

Official notice

2023.11.18-19 International Symposium Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency_2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目)

International Symposium

Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency

Date: Saturday 18th– Sunday 19th November 2023

The 10th meeting of the ILCAA Joint Research Project: Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa 2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目)

Venue: Medium Conference Room at the Administration Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (本部管理棟2階 中会議室 honbukanritō (jimutō))


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