East African-Japanese Researcher's Network    


2024.3.6 Wed. 2023年度第3回研究会(通算第11回目)The 11th meeting of the ILCAA Joint Research Project: Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa グローバル時代のアフリカの「若者」のキャリア志向と「現実」との交渉:東部アフリカを中心に


The 11th meeting_ 2023年度第3回研究会(通算第11回目)
Date/Time: Wed 6 Mar 2024 10:00–18:00
Venue: 302, online meeting
Language: English
Organized by ILCAA

Meeting for publication of Japanese results
Presentation1: Karusigarira Ian (GRIPS/ Joint researcher)
“University Students’ Activism in Uganda: Culture, the State, and Prospects”

Presentation2: Soichiro Shiraishi (Hirosaki University/ Joint researcher)
“Route to Makerere Hill: University Access from a Rural Area in Contemporary Uganda”  →Cancelled


Shifting Dimensions of Hybrid Authoritarianism in Uganda

By Ian Karusigarira (GRIPS/ Joint researcher)

There is a growing interest in the shifting dimensions of authoritarian rule most od Africa.…

2023.12.1 Online event Japan-Kenya pupils’ linkage Waldorf Woodlands School★ Musashino gakuen Elementary School

Online event 

Japan-Kenya pupils’ linkage  Waldorf Woodlands School Musashinogakuen Elementary School

TUFSフィールドサイエンスコモンズ(TUFiSCo) イベント



ケニア・ナイロビにあるWaldorf Woodlands School


21st Nov 2023 Commons Café /the 85th ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS

21st Nov 2023 Commons Café /the 85th ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS


Doing research in transboundary conflict contexts: Reflections from the field in Uganda’

The presenter: Dr.

2023.11.18-19 International Symposium Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency_2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目)

International Symposium

Global Youth Dynamics and ‘Reality’ Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency

Date: Saturday 18th– Sunday 19th November 2023

The 10th meeting of the ILCAA Joint Research Project: Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa 2023年度第2回研究会(通算第10回目)

Venue: Medium Conference Room at the Administration Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (本部管理棟2階 中会議室 honbukanritō (jimutō))


17th Oct 2023 Commons Café /the 81st ASC Seminar @ ILCAA, TUFS

‘Care and Reunification in a Cape Verdean Family: Changing Articulations of Family and Legal Ties’
The presenter: Prof. Heike Drotbohm (The head of the Anthropology department at Mainz University of Mainz, Germany)
This presentation looks at the interaction between transnational family relationships, on the one hand, and family-related immigration policies, on the other.

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