
The 7th meeting






  1. Eri Hashimoto (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University)
    “To be, or not to be a “real man”: Tactical agency of the Nuer youths in post-conflict society of South Sudan”


  1. Tom Ondicho (ILCAA Visiting Researcher, University of Nairobi)
    “Virtual learning as an opportunity for the youth to side hustle: The case of Students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.”

The flexibility offered by online learning is helping students to combine study with family, paid employment, and other income generating activities. In Kenya, students are using their free time away from campus to earn income from their own small-scale side hustles, making it possible for those from poor backgrounds to pay for their survival and education. The author argues that the hard economic times arising from the COVID-19 restrictions have forced many students to side hustle after their online lessons as a survival strategy. Using the University of Nairobi as a case study, this paper examines the kind of side hustle undergraduate students are engaged in, the sustainability of their income generating activities, and their contributions to economic empowerment. The paper relies on data from various secondary sources and the authors personal observations, interactions, and conversations with his students at the Department of Anthropology, Gender, and African Studies. The paper concludes that virtual learning has made students more creative, productive, and independent. Thus, there is need to empower them to set their own priorities, pace, and strategies for achieving them. 


‘Youths in Struggls’に寄稿した内容を中心に発表された。若者たちが‘hustle’している様子を、コロナ禍のナイロビ大学の学生たちの豊富な事例により議論することができた。
